The Triple P Parenting Program: An Honest Review

triple p parenting

Takeaway: As a parent, you want the best for your child, and it’s likely that you’re willing to try almost anything to help them. Many parents turn to the Triple P Parenting Program for support in helping their kiddos thrive. While it can be helpful for some families, it’s not necessarily for everyone. In this post, I’ll break down everything you need to know about Triple P Parenting, including my honest thoughts on whether or not it’s right for your family. 

What is the Triple P Parenting Program?

Triple P is an evidence-based parenting program that's designed to prevent and treat behavioral and emotional problems in children of all ages.

According to one of the program's official website, the Triple P (Positive) Parenting Program originated in Australia at the University of Queensland's Parenting and Family Support Centre. Since its inception, it's been used in over 30 countries worldwide, including the United States.

positive parenting program

As a positive parenting program, its main goal is to provide parents and caregivers with simple and practical strategies that reinforce positive behavior rather than punishing "negative" behavior. Triple P does this by helping parents build a healthy, positive relationship with their children.

Other elements of the program include increasing parents' confidence, supporting social competence and emotional regulation in children, and more.

Triple P Formats

Since it's used for both treatment and prevention across a wide range of ages and intensities of child behavior problems, Triple P is delivered in a number of different formats.

Let's take a look at the ways in which families engage in Triple P. For more information on each system, check out the Triple P .

  • Level 1: This is a communication strategy that's meant to reach a wide range of people. It's not an intervention or course. Its main purpose is to inform audiences about what positive parenting is, its benefits, and more.

  • Level 2: At this level, parents and caregivers receive one-time assistance through a seminar. There are multiple seminars within this level, including the Teen Triple P series. Level 2 interventions can also be provided 1:1 by a primary care provider.

  • Level 3: This version of Triple P is intended for families with children who have mild to moderate behavior problems. It can be delivered through individual consultations with parents as well as in small groups.

  • Level 4: Level 4 of Triple P is designed for families with children who have severe behavior challenges. It can take the form of group sessions, one-on-one counseling, an online module, or self-led programming based on a workbook.

  • Level 5: This form of Triple P is for families with complex challenges, such as mental health concerns. It contains modules around specific concerns, and there is also a special section for parents at risk of child maltreatment.

  • Specialist Programs: These programs are customized to unique stressors that families face. Many of the programs can be delivered one-on-one or in a group.

    • Stepping Stones Triple P is for families who have young children with disabilities.

    • Family Transitions Triple P is for families navigating separation or divorce.

    • Lifestyle Triple P is for families with overweight or obese children.

    • Indigenous Triple P is tailored specifically for the needs of Indigenous families.

    • Triple P for Baby is to support families in the first year of their baby's life.

Many of the Triple P programs are provided by local groups, agencies, and organizations. They can help you determine which programs are the best fit for your family.

Who Triple P Parenting may work for

Wondering if a Triple P parenting class is right for you? Here are some signs that you and your kiddos might benefit.

Parents with children of all ages

Since Triple P has a variety of different levels, it's meant to be a fit for any family. Parents of infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, and teens can all benefit from the programming. As we discussed, it's also designed for families needing various levels of support.

Parents facing common family challenges

Most of the Triple P programming is geared toward families facing common challenges, like developing good bedtime routines, managing fighting, navigating sibling rivalries, and more. While there are some programs that are specifically designed for more specific goals or issues, most of the content is for common family issues.

Parents seeking positive parenting strategies

Any parent who is interested in learning positive parenting skills may be able to benefit from Triple P. The program is specifically designed to manage your child's behavior through positive reinforcement and by building a healthy relationship with your child. These skills are widely applicable and useful for many families.

When Triple P might not be the best fit

triple p parenting class

While Triple P can be helpful for a wide range of parents, children, and families, it may not be the best fit for every situation. Here are a few signs that you may need a different program or additional support alongside Triple P.

If your family is in crisis

Certain programs through Triple P can support families with intense and complex challenges. However, Triple P is not a replacement for crisis services. If you or a loved one is in need of immediate assistance, I urge you to contact 988 or visit your local crisis center or emergency room.

If your family has unique needs

Triple P programs are meant to be customizable, and there are certain programs for a variety of specific issues. At the same time, it's important to remember that a positive parenting program may not replace certain other services, like therapy from a mental health professional.

If you're looking for something to "fix" your child

The Triple P Positive Parenting Program is geared toward parents. Its philosophy is that "problem" behavior in children can be redirected by changing your parenting approach. If you're not willing or able to invest your time in learning new skills and making changes, this program isn't for you.

Rooted Rhythm™️: An alternative to the Triple P Program

Overall, the Triple P Positive Parenting philosophy is a useful program for many families. At Rooted Rhythm, we also focus on incorporating positive parenting strategies to help parents and caregivers nurture healthy, fulfilling relationships with their kiddos.

I love the flexibility that Triple P offers, allowing parents to take what works and leave what doesn't. Plus, parents can engage to the level that they feel able to, whether it's a single seminar or multiple consultation sessions.

triple p parenting program

At the same time, it's missing a level of customization to your child's unique needs. While I recognize the need for a program that's widely applicable to most children and families, I also know that what your child needs isn't always what all children need.

That's why our courses and parent coaching services are created specifically with highly sensitive children in mind. We specialize in working with sensitive kiddos, and we have a deep knowledge and understanding of what sensitive children need.

All of our offerings are designed around the Rooted Rhythm™️ Tuned In Parenting Tenants. We support families in embodying their authentic selves. From this place, true wellness and connection are possible for the entire family.

Curious to learn more? We'd love to connect with you and discuss how we can help. Reach out today to get started with a free consultation!


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